Creative Direction:
Photo Editing:
I joined Variant, a student-run fashion magazine at Ohio University, as a photographer in 2021.
In 2022 I was promoted to photo editor, during which I retouched two issues, (a total of 16 shoots) and designed front and back covers for those issues.
I took on the role of creative director in 2023, where I implemented a strategy to create a true-centered team environment.
I achieved this by first receiving input from the general body (~200 members) and then turning the disparate and varying feedback into a relevant, coherent and achievable magazine theme. I then worked with the various magazine departments (makeup, styling, editorial, photo, and publication design) to create an issue that maximized the team’s potential and stayed true to my creative vision.

Emma + Watermelon
Best in Show at Dairy Barn Arts Center’s 2024
WIDEOPEN: Excellence in Photography exhibit

Frequently, there's a tendency to liken women to items for consumption—with young girls seen as fresh, and mature women as beyond their best. In this collection, my goal was to portray women exerting their independence through engagement with the fruit beyond merely eating it. By juxtaposing women and fruit, I strove to challenge conventional images of submissive women, highlighting instead the grace in self-authority. Their behaviours and facial expressions, such as a direct gaze towards the viewer or the wreckage of the fruit, transform the models from mere subjects.
They transcend the usual perspective of fruit as pleasant, palatable, and effortlessly consumed.

Creative Direction, Photography: Madeline Melragon
Photography Assist: Emily Sudnick, Emma Bhatt
Modeling: Emily Sudnick, Emma Bhatt, Hali Makeda, Izzy Stitchick
For this series, I decided to create images that would feel cohesive with the pre-established style of a brand. Olipop’s rebrand has been playful and unique, and I wanted this shoot to embody this through the use of unpredictable motion and natural lighting. I also wanted to add a layer of interest in a beverage advertisement by showing a consumer interacting with the product, rather than just focusing on the product as a standalone.
Creative Direction, Photography, Design: Madeline Melragon
Photography Assist: Emily Sudnick
Modeling: Kenji Smith
For this series, I tapped into my love of fashion to produce a series of faux shoe advertisements. I decided to use each photo to try and capture the personality of the imagined person who would wear the shoe. This project gave me the opportunity to experiment with a variety of studio lighting. From a design standpoint, I was able to practice my composite skills in photoshop and design skills in InDesign.
Creative Direction, Photography, Design: Madeline Melragon
Photography Assist: Emily Sudnick, Emma Bhatt
Modeling: Emma Bhatt, Ella Calhoun

For this series, I tapped into my love of fashion to produce a series of faux shoe advertisements. I decided to use each photo to try and capture the personality of the imagined person who would wear the shoe. This project gave me the opportunity to experiment with a variety of studio lighting. From a design standpoint, I was able to practice my composite skills in photoshop and design skills in InDesign.
Creative Direction, Photography, Design: Madeline Melragon
Photography Assist: Emily Sudnick, Emma Bhatt
Modeling: Emma Bhatt, Ella Calhoun